Person hired to undertake investigatory law services.
Examples for "private investigator"
Examples for "private investigator"
1However, police today found the unlicensed private investigator had done nothing wrong.
2After he'd left, Storm said, I'm a private investigator-justlike Jedidiah said.
3Right now I'm just a private investigator who's run out of leads.
4She has put the matter in the hands of a private investigator.
5The private investigator had left behind an adult daughter and two grandchildren.
1Occupation: Former police officer turned private detective; peerless solver of mysterious murders.
2Youre a free dwarf now, and every private detective needs a partner.
3In August, the private detective industry reported, cheerfully, an uptick in business.
4The way I've got it, you're a private detective working for Mark.
5Well, I've just been talking to Mr. Denman-youremember, the private detective.
1Hence we read in the profession of faith at Ephesus ( P. I., chap.
2The five other cipher experts of the P. I.
3Chief of The Ethnological Survey, Manila, P. I.
4Secretary of the Interior, Manila, P. I.
5Yes: to the P. I. sports.
1I agree, but the good news is-noprivate eye cases right now.
2Within a few minutes, Cowles probably knew I was a private eye.
3For your private eye: it is a dying man who speaks thus.
4Clients like a hint of danger when they hire a private eye.
5Garret would also hire a private eye to check for dirty laundry.
1Slattin has a rotten reputation-evenfor a private inquiry agent.
2For that purpose it would not be a bad idea to employ a private inquiry agent.
3The private inquiry agent that Tom had engaged to find O'Malley had been unsuccessful in his work.
4He believed it was the private inquiry agent whom he had shaken off so effectively in Hyde Park.
5The private inquiry agent spoke confidentially.
6He had already made arrangements to leave Scotland Yard and set up, single-handed, as a private inquiry agent.
7Sir Lucien resumed his role of private inquiry agent, and Mareno recited the 'revelations' from notes supplied to him.
8The inquiry agents did their work well, and were handsomely paid for it.
9Now, Lord Valletort, who were your inquiry agents?
10The inquiry agents receive instructions.
11Private inquiry agents, as they were known, were a new breed, some of them retired detective officers such as Field.
12"Just an inquiry agent; helpful in saving people trouble sometimes."
13But I do happen to know most of the private inquiry agents in London, and one of 'em is going strong in Middle Street.
14Then we go to one of the smartest inquiry agents in the world and say: 'Tell us all about Mr. David Steel without delay.
15" Inquiry agent," corrected Mr. Carlyle precisely.
16"Well, Mr. Royson, I don't mind telling you that I am a private inquiry agent," was the ominous answer.
Translations for inquiry agent